
作为加州大学旧金山分校的毕业生, the Cal State University Fullerton 职业中心 can assist you through your professional career. Whether you are looking for support or you are looking to give back to CSUF students, we can help.

刚毕业 Recent 最可靠的买彩票平台 研究生s – Within 1 Year After Graduation:

You have continued access to all 职业生涯 Services, such as:

校友 Association Members:

Free access to select CSUF 职业中心 服务, such as:



Recent graduates have access to all 职业中心 Services for a full year after graduation. 

校友 who graduated in 2008 or later, you can use your portal credentials to access 在线 职业中心 Services except for 泰坦连接.

校友 Association members receive access to select career center 服务 including 泰坦连接 with exception of in-person 服务 (任命: Virtual or Face-to-Face).

To join the CSUF 校友 Association, visit 校友.富勒顿.edu/membership

(NOTE: Joining the 校友 Association does not grant access to In-Person 职业中心 Services like 任命 (Virtual or Face-to-Face). 职业中心 Services are only available to 学生 within 1 year of graduation regardless of membership with the 校友 Association).

橙县一站式服务 Services

If you no longer qualify for CSUF 职业中心 服务 and you do not want to join the CSUF 校友 Association, 考虑利用 橙县一站式服务 服务.

The 橙县一站式服务 Centers provide comprehensive employment and training 服务. 资源 and 服务 include:

  • 访问 computers and telephones
  • Resume distribution program
  • 网络 opportunities
  • 求职工作坊
  • On-site interviews with local employers

Reciprocal 职业生涯 Services


科罗拉多州立大学在读学生 & 校友 from other CSU campuses must bring a document, 比如文凭, 成绩单, or current course list that verifies status at one of the 23 CSU campuses.

This can be used to access career 服务 that do not require a counselor including:

  • 职业生涯 planning workshops and programs
  • Printed career information
  • 在线 career 服务 that do not require a CSUF login
  • Does not include remote access to job postings

For CSU students and 校友 (within one year of graduation) the CSUF 职业中心 does offer one-time reciprocal 服务 in the form of resume/cover letter review, mock interview and quick job search assistance if College 职业生涯 Specialists schedule permits. This does not include access to job postings. To access the one-time reciprocal 服务, CSU students and 校友 must request a reciprocity letter from their institution’s career center and submit it to the CSUF 职业中心. The reciprocity letter should outline name, 学位课程, graduation date and the need for 服务.